Public adjusters work on behalf of policyholders to help people get all that they’re entitled to from insurance claims. They help evaluate damage and rebuilding costs, track the flow of insurance payments and amounts due, and work with home insurance companies to expedite their clients’ insurance claims.
If you find yourself in the process of making a claim with your insurance company, you might find it worthwhile to hire a public adjuster. This might be especially true if you feel like the insurance adjuster does not include all the necessary costs for repairs from your claim.
Independent adjusters are paid by insurance companies to adjust the claim on their behalf, whereas ‘public adjusters’ work exclusively for the insurance policyholder. ‘Public Adjusters’ help policyholders with many of the complex provisions and processes involved with a typical insurance property claim.
The standard fee for public adjusting services is a small percentage of the amount recovered from the insurance company. On very large claims, fees are negotiable.
It’s not too late to hire a public adjuster. It’s common for homeowners and business owners to try to handle property damage claims on their own, especially if it’s the first time they’ve incurred such damages.
Our Public Adjusters and Appraisers are always available to answer your questions. We will keep you updated on the claims process in its entirety.
No. The adjusting profession is mandated by the Legislature and regulated by the Department of Insurance. It would be a serious violation if any Insurance Company would discriminate against you in any way for exercising a right given to you by the State Legislature. Insurance appraisers are part of many insurance policies and are expected to be hired, as per your insurance policy.
We will collect a percentage off of your recovery settlement awarded by your insurance company. Therefore, in those instances, if there is no recovery, there is no fee. We only collect a fee if we are able to get your insurance company to pay for your damages.
Yes! Many of our clients were told their claim was denied. We simply reopen the loss, negotiate with your insurance company, and insist they pay for viable damages.
We are some of the most reputable and experienced professionals in the insurance industry. We are licensed, bonded and insured in 5 states: Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, Illinois & Maryland. Major insurance companies respect the quality of our work thus giving us an advantage over many other public adjusters and appraisers. We are also very resourceful which gives you the ultimate advantage. In other words, we will not accept a settlement that is not in your favor. Mosaic Claims will fight as hard as possible so you get the best settlement.